Pause Photo Prose

Pause Photo Prose

This game was created in result of an experimentation with photographers and educators specialized in animation and formation. This card-game aims to raise awareness about the origin of photographies, their multiple meanings and uses. Putting words on pictures helps to break free from the like/unlike reflex, in order to sharpen its image reading, to be independent, to be a citizen and not a consumer, to have your own opinion and share it with others. 

There are 32 cards in this game, they are as diverse as the hundreds of  images we see everyday. Each photo was made by an author-photographer, who explains its artistic approach, each of this photos were then used for publicity, CDs, magazines, websites etc. This game is effective after three rounds, the players know how to read an image, which is an essential skill nowadays. 


Games are a great way to stimulate curiosity, attention, collective thinking, and to bind a group together around common interest and reveal personalities. This game requires several qualities: quick observation, complicity, logic, knowledges, imagination, listening, and teamwork.




1h to 3h 


from 4 to 99 yo


from 4 to 30


a room


Cameras, a studio, a video projector


  • History of photography
  • Photography techniques 
  • Image analysis
  • Discover the artistic approach

Photojournalism and reporting

Photojournalism and reporting

Traditional medias are undergoing several crises. For instance, young people tend to prefer internet and social medias then traditional ones, but online journalism do not have the same professionalism. You can find on these medias, fake news and fake-images, biased journalism, semi-information etc. Online-journalism rely greatly on images and videos that often are mediocre, and do not match with the text. In that context, images lose their senses. This workshop aims to teach you the role of images to help convey informations, to make you develop a critical mind, and if you have your own report, help you to publicate it. 




  • Develop curiosity and empathy 
  • Meet other to learn how to live together 
  • Develop a citizen consciousness and the taste for the news 
  • Sharpen your critical mind
  • Learn the basics of photography


  • History of images in medias 
  • Presentation of different medias and analysis of images in medias 
  • Technique photographique – Étude des styles de sujets.
  • Making a photo report
  • Picture editing, layout and framing 
  • Captions and editorial writing
  • Publication




4 x 2h


from 13 to 16 yo


a class


in class and outdoor



magazines, news papers

a video projector 








Micro Macro – The circle of life

Micro Macro – The circle of life

Photography is a great medium to explore the infinitely small. A propos offers you to discover during a class the technique of macro photography.

© Ph Glorieux

The application and the respect of the given guidelines empower young peoples. By choosing a photo, young people have to speak their minds, to express themselves, it helps them to sharpen their critical mind and boost their confidence. Following how the seed grows in a garden or in a class helps create awareness about the circle of life.



4 x 2h + 2 x 3h


from 4 to 10 yo


from 6 to 8 children


a class of a garden 


cameras, a studio, a video projector



  • Easy learning of photography techniques 
  • Introduction to macro photography 
  • Respect of the guidelines to take photos 
  • Selection of the photos 
  • Restitution

Photography and exhibition

Photography and exhibition

This workshop aims to show the artistic approach of a photographer, the setting up of an exhibition and to give access to young people to culture, by questioning their artistic sensitivity.

In collaboration with a teacher, whose programme is in accordance with the exhibition, the workshop will take place in two stages: first the visit and then a playful workshop to create something based on what you saw.    



4 x 2h + 1 x 4h


from 11 to 18 yo


from 10 to 25


school and museums 


cameras, a studio, a video projector



  • Organise a visit 
  • Visit of a photography exhibition 
  • Discuss about the exhibition 
  • Photography plastic art workshop based on the exhibition